P.E mane ki?#P.E means Price to Earning Ratio.
Ekta company r P.E ki show kore?
#Oi company te invest kora kototuku safe company P.E tai show kore.Akta company ke arekta company sathe tulona korte sahajjo kore.
Share kenar khetre P.E ki kono vumika rakhe?#Oboshhsoi.Share kenar khetre P.E dekhe share buy kora guruttopurno....karon
High P.E =High risk
Low P.E=Low risk
Kintu bortoman market a to P.E kono vumika rakhchena...High P.E er share gulor price hike hochhce keno?
# Bortoman market ta cholche ri8/split/bonus & rumour er upor .akhetre high P.E sharer price hike hochche but ak porjaye ashob entry valo fall korar shujog thake. Eta ekta limited time er jonno,but low P.E entry is safe.Coz price hike holeo abaro shei price back korar shujog thake jeta High P.E er khetre onek din stuck hoye thakte hoe or gr8 loss ao porte hoe.Mone rakhte hobe High P.E is always risky entry.Kono news ke base kore entry dile entrant der Motamuti Profit a offload kore jawa uchit khub beshi profit er asha na kore. Otherwise gr8 loss a porar akta risk theke jae.
Low P.E amra kivabe bujhbo?#Normally P.E 15 porjonto safe.Ai range ke low P.E dhora hoe. Kintu Bangladesh a Total average P.E 27...jekhane 20 thakar kotha.Ar a karonei amader index onek high...40 er opore P.E ke onek high P.E dhora hoe.
Loan facility te ki P.E kono vumika rakhe?#Ha...jeshob company P.E 40 er niche ,tara loan facility pae.That means ai shob company r share loan account a kena jae.P.E 40+ share gulo loan facility paena.
D.S.E web site a dui dhoroner P.E dekhano hoe keno?# D.S.E web site a dui dhoroner P.E dekhano hoe...
1.Based on continuing operation: Running year eps ke base kore ai P.E calculate kora.
Akhane Extra-ordinary Income er eps include kora hoeni.
2.Including Extra-ordinary Income: Extra-ordinary Income er eps ke include kore ai P.E ber kora hoyeche.
D.S.E web site a 2 yrs er P.E dekhano hoe keno?# D.S.E web site a 2 yrs er P.E dekhano hoe..
1.Based on annualized eps of 2010:Running year er 1st qtr,,half yearly & 3rd qrt eps
ke base kore full year er eps ber kora hoe then shei eps theke ai P.E ber kora hoe.
(P.E shobshomoe shara bochorer eps theke ber kora hoe).Eta audited eps ke base kore kora na.Accurate hishab amra akhan theke paina.Audit korar por actual hishab ta ashe.Ata change hoye jete pare.Ekhane mone rakha dorkar running year e jokhon kono qtr eps declare kora hoe tokhon tar future qtr er eps, declared qtr eps ke base kore dhora hoe.
2.Based on audited eps of 2009:Ata past year(2009) er audited eps ke base kore kora.
Ata fixed & Actual P.E for 2009.
D.S.E web site a dui dhoroner P.E er majhe konta amra calculate korar jono nebo?# D.S.E web site a dui dhoroner P.E er modhdhe amra Based on continuing operation calculate korar jonno nebo.
Ekta company r P.E ki kore ber korte hoe? #Formula: Maket Value Per share/ Earning per share(EPS)
Mone kori akta company r Market price 40tk & EPS 8tk
P.E = 40 / 8 = 5.
company r P.E =5.
Akta company r P.E & M.P(Market Price) deya ache,E.P.S ki kore ber korbo?
#Mone kori akta company r P.E 30 &Market price 90,then E.P.S=?
We know P.E= M.P/EPS
or, EPS*P.E=M.P (Cross calculation)
or, EPS=M.P/P.E
or, EPS= 90/30
or, EPS=3
*Avabe amra P.E&M.P theke easily akta company r EPS ber korte pari.
Ekta company r E.P.S & M.P dey aache P.E ki kore ber korbo?
# Mone kori akta company r EPS 3 &Market price 90,then P.E=?
We know
or, P.E=90/30
or, P.E=30.
*Avabe amra EPS&M.P theke easily akta company r P.E ber korte pari.
Ekta company r P.E & EPS dey aache M.P ki kore ber korbo?# Mone kori akta company r P.E 30 &EPS 3,then M.P=?
We know
or, M.P=P.E*EPS
or, M.P=30*3
or, M.P=90.
*Avabe amra P.E&EPS theke easily akta company r M.P ber korte pari.
আসুন শেয়ার বাজার সম্পর্কে জানি , জানি ভাল শেয়ার চেনার উপায় এবং নিয়মাবলী ।
Dec 24, 2010
Collected - BD StocK - Share Netting
Netting mane ki?
# Netting mane kono akta share sell kore oi taka diye abaro kono share buy kora.Ai khetre sell kora taka mature hote hoena.
Shob share e ki netting kora jae?#Na,notun niyome shob share netting kora jaena.
Kon dhoroner share netting kora jabe?#Notun niyome margin share netting kora jabe. That means PE jader 40 er niche abong je shob share loan account a kena jae ,shei shob share netting kora jabe.
Kon dhoroner share netting kora jabe na?# Je shob share loan account a buy kora jaena that means non margin share, PE jader 40 er opore,shei shob share netting kora jabena.Z catagory er kichu weak share o netting kora jabena.Ai shob share sell korle oi taka mature na hoya porjonto onno kono share buy kora jabena.
Non margin share er taka koto dine mature hobe?#Non margin share jodi A catagory hoe tahole 3 days lagbe mature hote & Z catagory r share er khetre time lagbe 9 days.
Margin share sell kore je kono share buy kora jai? # Margin share sell kora manei apnar taka mature...so mature money diye apni je kono share kinte paren.
Kon gulo margin r kongulo non margin shegulo ki kore bujhbo?
#Dse web site a akhon theke regularly margin share gulor list publish kora hobe.Netting korte chaile shekhan theke list dekhe share buy&sell korte hobe.
# Netting mane kono akta share sell kore oi taka diye abaro kono share buy kora.Ai khetre sell kora taka mature hote hoena.
Shob share e ki netting kora jae?#Na,notun niyome shob share netting kora jaena.
Kon dhoroner share netting kora jabe?#Notun niyome margin share netting kora jabe. That means PE jader 40 er niche abong je shob share loan account a kena jae ,shei shob share netting kora jabe.
Kon dhoroner share netting kora jabe na?# Je shob share loan account a buy kora jaena that means non margin share, PE jader 40 er opore,shei shob share netting kora jabena.Z catagory er kichu weak share o netting kora jabena.Ai shob share sell korle oi taka mature na hoya porjonto onno kono share buy kora jabena.
Non margin share er taka koto dine mature hobe?#Non margin share jodi A catagory hoe tahole 3 days lagbe mature hote & Z catagory r share er khetre time lagbe 9 days.
Margin share sell kore je kono share buy kora jai? # Margin share sell kora manei apnar taka mature...so mature money diye apni je kono share kinte paren.
Kon gulo margin r kongulo non margin shegulo ki kore bujhbo?
#Dse web site a akhon theke regularly margin share gulor list publish kora hobe.Netting korte chaile shekhan theke list dekhe share buy&sell korte hobe.
Dec 17, 2010
Collected : BD StocK - Share category ki?
Share category ki?
#share category holo market a company r performance onujayee bivinno group a company r share ke bivikto kora.
Share maret a total kotogulo category ache?ki ki?
#share a total 4 types category ache .A,N,B&Z .
Maner dik theke konta age ashe?
#Maner kromanushare category gulo jevabe vag kora hoe,ta holo
A= Exellent
N=Normal(Newly listed)
B=Below Normal
Z= Poor category
Kon category koto dine matured hoe?
#Sell korar khetre catagory gulor matured day holo.........
A= 3days
N=3 days
B=3 days
Z=9 days
Netting er khetre category gulor vumika ki?
# P.E jader 40 er opore shei shob category r khetre netting bondho...tar mane jodi 40 up category A,B & N hoe tahole sell korar por taka 3 days matured hote hobe.
Z category r khetre sell korar por taka 9 days matured hote hobe.Then apni oi taka diye new entry dite parben.Atai netting er notun law.
Kivabe catagory change hoe?
# sobchaite valo category holo A...jodi A category r kono share ak bochor tader kono dividend declare na kore(akhetre minimum 10% declaration ashtei hobe).. then take prothome B te pathano hoe,then next year ao dividend dite bertho hole Z category te pathano hoe.
Onno catagory te chole gele ki previous catagory te back korar shujog thake?
# Ha,category change hoye gele dividend declaration er opor abaro catagory change hoe...mone kori ShareAdda akta company r share...akhon por por 3 bochor ShareAdda kono dividend declare na korae Z category te chole geche.....akhon jei muhurte ShareAdda 10% dividend declare korbe abong 10% dividend confarm korbe tokhon ata abaro A category te back korbe.That means tar Z category change hoye A te chole jabe.
Onno category theke theke A te jabar process ta ki?
# Company prothome dividend declare kore at least 10%...tara ai dividend share holder der send kore...then credit report tara authority r kache pathae....authority credit confarm hole 2/3 din por oi company ke category change kore A category te enlist korar ghoshona dae.For example: UCBL internal problem er karone por por 3 years dividend na deyae Z category te chole giyechilo...pore 143.75% dividend(3 years) declare kore account credit korae very recent UCBL ke A category te change kora hoe.
Market a jokhon kono share ashe tokhon kon category te listed thake?
#Market a jokhon kono share ashe tokhon sheta N(Newly Listed) category te listed thake....and one month atar loan off thake....pore atar catagory fix hoe.
Mone rakha dorkar je N category mane newly listed....so purono kono category abaro N category r under a ashte parena......
10% er niche dividend dile ki catagory change hoena?
# Na... jekono category atleast 10% dividend debar por sorasori category change hoye A te chole ashe,ar jodi sheta A category hoe tahole she tar position a tike thake....tobe a khetre kichu jinish mone rakhte hobe...
1.Jodi Z category 5% dividend dae tobe she change hoye B a chole ashbe.......
2.Jodi B category 5% dividend dae tahole she nijer obosthanei thakbe....take Z a namano hobena or Na...
3.Jodi N category 5% dividend dae,tahole take B category te namiye deya hobe....
4.Jodi A category 5% dividend dae,tahole take B te namiye deya hobe.
Category change hole ki market a er kono provab pore?
#Oboshhsoi...Z theke jokhon akta share A te ashe tar mane company r improvement er lokhkhon....ar tachara 9 days maturity theke only 3 days maturity ashar karone prothom dike ai category change er karone share gulor price hike hoe.
Onnano gulor khetre Z er moton provab porena.
Loan er khetre ki ai category kono vumika rakhe?
# Loan A, N,B category er share gulokei deya hoe... Z category kono loan paena..
Z group er akta share , dividend declare korlo na koyek bochor, tahole ki all time Z group ai theke jabe?
# Na...new rules onujayee jodi kono Z category r share por por dui bochor kono dividend declare na kore & jodi company r production bondho thake tahole shei share DSE theke delisted kora hoe & OTC market a pathiye deya hoe....like padma cement,dhaka fish,apex weaving etc...
Tahole to market a amon kichu share ache jara por por dubochor dividend declare koreni but tara akhono dse listed & tader ke OTC teo pathano hobena.... keno?
# Market a amon kichu share ache jara por pro dubochorer o beshi kono dividend declare na kore dse listed coz ader dividend dear khomota ache & fundamentally company r obostha valo but internal problem er karone ashob company dividend declare korte parchena... jemon lafarge cement,rupali bank but ader company chalu ache & shamne ara problem solve hoye gele dividend declare korbe INSHALLAH.......ai karonei ashob company ke delisted kora hoena
N:B Category niye onekei request korechen tutorial toiri kore dite....ami amar jotha shadhdho detail debar cheshta korlam...asha kori category shomporke apnader dharona clear hoye jabe INSHALLAH....
#share category holo market a company r performance onujayee bivinno group a company r share ke bivikto kora.
Share maret a total kotogulo category ache?ki ki?
#share a total 4 types category ache .A,N,B&Z .
Maner dik theke konta age ashe?
#Maner kromanushare category gulo jevabe vag kora hoe,ta holo
A= Exellent
N=Normal(Newly listed)
B=Below Normal
Z= Poor category
Kon category koto dine matured hoe?
#Sell korar khetre catagory gulor matured day holo.........
A= 3days
N=3 days
B=3 days
Z=9 days
*** A,B & N catagory shadharonoto aki niyome pore but z category is different.***
Netting er khetre category gulor vumika ki?
# P.E jader 40 er opore shei shob category r khetre netting bondho...tar mane jodi 40 up category A,B & N hoe tahole sell korar por taka 3 days matured hote hobe.
Z category r khetre sell korar por taka 9 days matured hote hobe.Then apni oi taka diye new entry dite parben.Atai netting er notun law.
Kivabe catagory change hoe?
# sobchaite valo category holo A...jodi A category r kono share ak bochor tader kono dividend declare na kore(akhetre minimum 10% declaration ashtei hobe).. then take prothome B te pathano hoe,then next year ao dividend dite bertho hole Z category te pathano hoe.
Onno catagory te chole gele ki previous catagory te back korar shujog thake?
# Ha,category change hoye gele dividend declaration er opor abaro catagory change hoe...mone kori ShareAdda akta company r share...akhon por por 3 bochor ShareAdda kono dividend declare na korae Z category te chole geche.....akhon jei muhurte ShareAdda 10% dividend declare korbe abong 10% dividend confarm korbe tokhon ata abaro A category te back korbe.That means tar Z category change hoye A te chole jabe.
Onno category theke theke A te jabar process ta ki?
# Company prothome dividend declare kore at least 10%...tara ai dividend share holder der send kore...then credit report tara authority r kache pathae....authority credit confarm hole 2/3 din por oi company ke category change kore A category te enlist korar ghoshona dae.For example: UCBL internal problem er karone por por 3 years dividend na deyae Z category te chole giyechilo...pore 143.75% dividend(3 years) declare kore account credit korae very recent UCBL ke A category te change kora hoe.
Market a jokhon kono share ashe tokhon kon category te listed thake?
#Market a jokhon kono share ashe tokhon sheta N(Newly Listed) category te listed thake....and one month atar loan off thake....pore atar catagory fix hoe.
Mone rakha dorkar je N category mane newly listed....so purono kono category abaro N category r under a ashte parena......
10% er niche dividend dile ki catagory change hoena?
# Na... jekono category atleast 10% dividend debar por sorasori category change hoye A te chole ashe,ar jodi sheta A category hoe tahole she tar position a tike thake....tobe a khetre kichu jinish mone rakhte hobe...
1.Jodi Z category 5% dividend dae tobe she change hoye B a chole ashbe.......
2.Jodi B category 5% dividend dae tahole she nijer obosthanei thakbe....take Z a namano hobena or Na...
3.Jodi N category 5% dividend dae,tahole take B category te namiye deya hobe....
4.Jodi A category 5% dividend dae,tahole take B te namiye deya hobe.
Category change hole ki market a er kono provab pore?
#Oboshhsoi...Z theke jokhon akta share A te ashe tar mane company r improvement er lokhkhon....ar tachara 9 days maturity theke only 3 days maturity ashar karone prothom dike ai category change er karone share gulor price hike hoe.
Onnano gulor khetre Z er moton provab porena.
Loan er khetre ki ai category kono vumika rakhe?
# Loan A, N,B category er share gulokei deya hoe... Z category kono loan paena..
Z group er akta share , dividend declare korlo na koyek bochor, tahole ki all time Z group ai theke jabe?
# Na...new rules onujayee jodi kono Z category r share por por dui bochor kono dividend declare na kore & jodi company r production bondho thake tahole shei share DSE theke delisted kora hoe & OTC market a pathiye deya hoe....like padma cement,dhaka fish,apex weaving etc...
Tahole to market a amon kichu share ache jara por por dubochor dividend declare koreni but tara akhono dse listed & tader ke OTC teo pathano hobena.... keno?
# Market a amon kichu share ache jara por pro dubochorer o beshi kono dividend declare na kore dse listed coz ader dividend dear khomota ache & fundamentally company r obostha valo but internal problem er karone ashob company dividend declare korte parchena... jemon lafarge cement,rupali bank but ader company chalu ache & shamne ara problem solve hoye gele dividend declare korbe INSHALLAH.......ai karonei ashob company ke delisted kora hoena
N:B Category niye onekei request korechen tutorial toiri kore dite....ami amar jotha shadhdho detail debar cheshta korlam...asha kori category shomporke apnader dharona clear hoye jabe INSHALLAH....
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