Aug 19, 2009

Important Career Planning Tips:

• never stop learning

Life-long learning is ur keyword.
the world is constantly changing, & everybody is looking for new ways of doing business.
if u have decided that ur current skills are good enough, u have also decided that ur current job is good enough.
but if u want a career in the future, u should add regular updates to ur skills & knowledge.

• ask, listen & learn

A good listener can learn a lot.
listen to ur co-workers, ur boss, & ur superiors. u can learn a lot from their experience.
ask about issues that interest u, & listen to what they say. let them tell u about how things work, & what u could have done better.
most people will love to be ur free tutor.

• fulfill ur current job

ur current job might be best place to start ur career.
it is often very little that separates successful people from the average. but nothing comes free.
if u do ur job well & fulfill ur responsibilities, this is often the best way to start a new career.
talk to ur supervisor about things u can do. suggest improvements. offer ur help when help is needed. in return ask for help to build a better career. it is often possible-right inside ur own organization-especially if u have proved to be a valued employee.

• build ur network

ur next career step might arise from ur contact network.
did u know that more than 50% of all jobs are obtained from contact networks?
if u have a good contact network, it is also a good place to discover future careers, to explore new trends, & to learn about new opportunities.
spend some time building new contacts, & don't forget to maintain the ones u already have.
one of the best ways to get serious information from ur network is to regularly ask ur contacts how they are, what they do, & what is new about their careers.

• identify ur current job

ur current job should be identified, not assumed.
make sure u don't work with tasks u assume are important. this is waste of time & talent.
when u start in a new job, talk to ur superior about ur priorities. if u're not sure about what is most important, then ask him. & ask him again. often u will be surprised about the differences between what u assume, & what is really important.

• identify ur next job

before u start planning ur future career, be sure u have identified ur dream job.
in ur dream job, u will be doing all the things u enjoy, & none of the things u don't enjoy. what kind of job would that be?
do u like or dislike having responsibility for other employees. do u like to work with technology or with people? do u want to run ur own business? do u want to be an artist, a designer or a skilled engineer? a manager?
before building ur future career ur goal must be identified.

• prepare urself

ur dream might show up tomorrow. be prepared.
don't wait a second. update ur CV now, & continue to update it regularly.
tomorrow ur dream job may show up right before ur nose. prepare for it with a professional CV & be ready to describe yourself as a valuable object to anyone that will try to recruit u.
if u don't know how to write a CV, or how to describe urself, start learning it now.

• pick the right tools

pick the tools u can handle.
u can build ur future career using a lot of different tools.

u can add a lot to ur career by studying books & tutorials. doing short time courses with certification tests might add valuable weight to ur CV. & don't forget: ur current job is often the most valuable source of building new skills.
don't pick a tool that is too heavy for u to handle!

• realise ur dreams

put ur dreams into action.
don't let a busy job kill ur dreams. if you have higher goals, put them into action now.
if u have plans about taking more education, getting a better job, starting ur own company or something else, u should not use ur daily job as a 'waiting station'. ur daily job will get more & more busy, u will be caught up in the rat race, & u will burn up ur energy.
if u have this energy, u should use it now, to realize ur dreams.

Jun 16, 2009

ইসলামী ছাত্র শিবিরের বৃক্ষ রোপন কর্মসুচী

ইদানীং ইসলামী ছাত্রশিবির কিছু জনকল্যান মুলক উদ্যোগ নিছে, যা কিনা আমার মতন মুর্খের কাছে ও মনে হইতেছে গাছের গোড়া কাইটা আগায় পানি ঢালা। পত্রিকায় আজকা দেখলাম ইসলামি ছাত্র শিবিরের শুয়োরের পাল গাছ লাগাইতেছে মতান্তরে এই দেশের মাটি এবং বাতাস দুষিত করতেছে। এই শুয়োরগুলান কোন বদ মতলব ছাড়া এই কাজ করতেছে , কোন বাচ্চা ও মনে হয় বিশ্বাস করবে না। তাইলে এদের লাভটা কি আমরা একটু আলোচনা করি-

আমার মনে হয় এই ধরনের সামাজিক কল্যানমুলোক কাজের উদ্দেশ্য তারা খুব সহজেই গন-সংযোগের সুযোগ পাচ্ছে। মজার ব্যাপার হইল আমাদের প্রধান দুই রাজনৈতিক দলের আবাল ছাত্র সংঘটনের কাজ হইল আস্রবাজি, টেন্ডারবাজি করা। এই রকম চিকনা বুদ্ধি এদের কোন্ দিন হবে বইলা মনে হয় না। অথচ ছাত্র শিবির কত সহজেই এই কামটা কইরা ফালাইল। দেশের আমুল পরিবর্তনের জন্য প্রধান দুই রাজনৈতিক দলের ছাত্র সংঘটনের এইগুলান করার কথা। কারন এদের আছে বিশাল কর্মী বাহিনী,তরুন রক্ত, দেশ ব্যাপী শাখা-প্রশাখা, দেশের মানুষকে সচেতন করার জন্য এদের চাইতে শক্তিশালী আর কে আছে ? কিন্তু এখন কারা করছে এই সব ,যাদের রক্তের প্রতিটা ফোটায় আছে এই দেশের স্বাধীনতার প্রতি বিদ্বেষ, যারা এই কিছুদিন আগে ও শ্লোগান তুলেছিল-

" আমরা হব তালেবান, বাংলা হবে আফগান"।

এই শুয়োরের দল এখন কর্মী সংগ্রহের কৌশল এ এনেছে অভাবনীয় পদ্ধতি। এলাকায় এলাকায় এরা এখন ক্রিকেট টুর্নামেন্ট আয়োজন করছে। পোলাপানের ভালো লাগা, মন্দ লাগাকে ও কাজে লাগাতে শিখে গেছে। আগের মতন স্কুলের গেট এ দাঁড়িয়ে জামাতি দাওয়াত দেয়া বন্ধ করে নতুন তরিকা ধরেছে।

এদের এই সব নতুন নতুন ধান্দাবাজি থেকে আমাদের অল্প বয়সী কিশোর-তরুন্ দের রক্ষা করতে হবে।জনগনকে ও সচেতন করতে হবে। নয়ত সত্যি একদিন আমাদের সোনার বাংলাকে আফগানদের মতন প্রস্তর যুগে ফেরত পাঠাবে। সময় থাকতে-

" সাধু সাবধান "

Jan 13, 2009

We hold love in our hearts rather than our hands, and we see it only when we give it to another. Simple, heartfelt gestures are the best way to offer

For BOY’s :-

Leave a note on her pillow, a note on her dressing table mirror, a note on the breakfast table, and a note on her car's steering wheel.

Find a classic love poem and write it on the bathroom mirror.

Bring her breakfast in bed - with a love note on the tray.

Draw a heart on her makeup mirror.

Use a can of water-soluble, non-toxic aerosol paint to write a message of love on the grass in your yard.

Call her favorite radio station and request a romantic song during the time she drives to work.

Change the welcome message on your answering machine to an expression of love.

Show up at her workplace, meet her as she takes her break, and whisk her away to a lovely park. Have a picnic lunch, complete with candle and rose.

Write her a long letter, one in which you recall the most emotional parts of your romantic history.

Print out "I Love You" posters on your computer; put them on your garage door and on light posts around the neighborhood.

Ask her to watch the sunset with you - and promise her your love will burn longer than the sun.

Open the windows, put her favorite romantic song on the CD player, and invite her to dance under the stars.

For GIRL’s :-

Put a note on the bathroom mirror promising to share an afternoon delight.

Fill his car with balloons, each with an "I Love You" message inside.

Find his car at work and leave a note on the steering wheel suggesting a romantic rendezvous. Meet him with drinks and snacks and a love note.

Meet him after work wearing your sexiest outfit and tempt him away to lover's lane. Carry along a bottle of sparkling water and a basket of canapés.

Leave him a series of notes to follow so that you meet in a romantic place.

Leave a trail of paper hearts, each with a loving message, from the front door to the bedroom for him to find as he comes home from work.

Cook his favorite dinner and serve it by candlelight.

Wrap up your prettiest negligee in a fancy package, complete with a note that promises a romantic evening.

Or decorate your bedroom in a theme - Tropical Island, old West, ancient castle - that appeals to his interests.

Light candles in your bedroom and lay out a romantic picnic on your bed.

Scatter Hershey's Chocolate Kisses all over the bed.